Herbrand's theorem is a fundamental result of mathematical logic obtained by Jacques Herbrand (1930). It essentially allows a certain kind of reduction of first-order logic to propositional logic. Although Herbrand originally proved his theorem for arbitrary formulas of first-order logic, the simpler version shown here, restricted to formulas in prenex form containing only existential quantifiers, became more popular.
be a formula of first-order logic with
is valid if and only if there exists a finite sequence of terms , possibly in an expansion of the language, with
such that
is valid. If it is valid,
is called a Herbrand disjunction for
Informally: a formula in prenex form containing existential quantifiers only is provable (valid) in first-order logic if and only if a disjunction composed of substitution instances of the quantifier-free subformula of is a tautology (propositionally derivable).