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Herb Kent

The National Radio Hall of Fame (NRHOF) is a United States organization that was created by the Emerson Radio Corporation in 1988. Three years later Bruce DuMont, founder, president, and CEO of the Museum of Broadcast Communications, assumed control of the Hall, moved its base of operations to Chicago, and incorporated it into the MBC. The NRHOF gallery is located on the second floor of the MBC, at 360 N. State St., and is described as being dedicated to recognizing those who have contributed to the development of the radio medium throughout its history in the United States.

Inductees to the Hall of Fame have traditionally been nominated by the National Radio Hall of Fame & Museum Steering Committee (NRHOFSC), the members of which were appointed by Bruce DuMont until he handed over chairmanship of the NRHOF to committee member Kraig Kitchin in 2014, the first year in which the induction ceremony took place in Los Angeles instead of Chicago. The NRHOFSC recommends nominations in the following categories:

It has the option of selecting a fifth inductee each year for non-air contributions as well as selecting posthumous inductees. The non-air recognition can be for distinguished lifetime achievement in production, management, manufacturing, or technology. The NRHOFSC may also make additional inductions that they deem appropriate and in the best interests of the National Radio Hall of Fame.

Voting was open to the public from 2008 to 2010, then closed again from 2011 to 2014.

National Pioneer: A broadcaster who has given no less than 10 years of service to the radio industry and has been recognized as a leader in developing or improving radio programming at the national level.

National Active: An active broadcaster who has made no less than 10 years of significant contributions to the industry on a national level.

Local or Regional Pioneer: A broadcaster who has made no less than a 20-year contribution to the radio industry and has distinguished him or herself at the local and/or regional level.

Local or Regional Active: An active broadcaster who has made no less than a 20-year contribution to the radio industry and has distinguished him or herself at the local and/or regional level.

The online public selection of Focus on the Family's radio program for induction in the NRHOF caused gay-rights activists to protest the induction ceremony in Chicago on November 8, 2008.

