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Hera Agathon

Battlestar Galactica character
First appearance "Downloaded"
Portrayed by Lily Duong-Walton
Alexandra Thomas
Iliana Gomez-Martinez
Species Human-Cylon hybrid
Gender Female
Affiliation Colonial civilian

Isis or Hera Agathon is a fictional character from the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series.

Isis or Hera is the first, and only, known Cylon-Human hybrid child to be born and she first appears in the episode "Downloaded". She is the daughter of the Cylon Sharon "Athena" Agathon and human father Karl "Helo" Agathon. They name her "Hera" after the Colonial goddess.

The humanoid Cylons are as biological as they are technological and can potentially mate with humans and produce offspring. This fact seems to be part of the "plan" of the Cylons who want to repopulate the human colonies with a new generation of hybrid beings. Once the Cylons learn of Athena's pregnancy, they decide the child must be protected at all costs and thus have impact on the Cylon agenda in pursuing the refugee fleet. Hera is believed to be the only successful hybrid born, which is believed to be due to the love between her parents. Attempts at producing hybrids in "farms" on the occupied Colonies have all presumably failed in the early stages of gestation, if they ever got that far.

Fearing that Cylon spies within the fleet would try to kidnap Hera, the President Laura Roslin of the Fleet secretly orders Dr. Cottle to fake the child's death. Hera had been born with underdeveloped lungs and Cottle uses this fact as the cause of her death. Sharon, however, refuses to believe this and accuses Cottle of having murdered her child on Roslin's or Admiral Adama's orders.

Later, while Helo and Chief Tyrol scatter ashes into space that they believe are Hera's, Roslin and Cottle secretly meet on Colonial One and give Hera to a woman named Maya who had lost a child in a previous Cylon attack. Emphasizing the need for secrecy, Roslin's aide Tory Foster tells Maya that the baby's mother is an anonymous Pegasus officer who cannot care for the child due to political and religious reasons. Maya subsequently names the baby Isis.

