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Henry Barham

Henry Barham
Nationality British

Henry Barham F.R.S. (1670?–1726) was an English writer on natural history.

He was born about 1670, and was descended from the Barhams of Barham Court in Kent. He has often been confounded with his son, Henry Barham, M.D. The main events of his life are recorded by himself in one of his letters to Sir Hans Sloane. His father, a physician, intended to give him a university education, but died before he could carry out his wishes. As the mother married soon afterwards, the boy, then about fourteen years of age, was left to his own resources, and became apprentice to a surgeon. This situation he left to become surgeon's mate in the Vanguard, from which he was promoted to be master surgeon in another man-of-war. He went to Spain, thence to Madras, and thence to Jamaica. As in 1720, he refers to his son as having practised physic and surgery in Jamaica for the last twenty years, he himself had probably settled in the island twenty years before the end of the century.

According to his own account, he obtained a lucrative practice, and was appointed surgeon-major of the military forces in Jamaica. About 1716, he came to England and settled at Chelsea, devoting his chief attention to the rearing of the silkworm, and the manufacture of silk, on which subject he published a treatise in 1719. His name appears in 1717 on the list of members of the Royal Society, and he states also that shortly after he came to England he was made free of the Company of Surgeons, but his hopes of obtaining the diploma of M.D. do not appear to have been fulfilled, for the only change that occurs in his designation on the roll of the Royal Society is from "Mr." to "Esquire."

In his application, in 1720, for the situation of mineral superintendent to a company formed to prosecute silver mining in Jamaica, he stated that his business prospects were so good that he could not sacrifice them for less than £500 a year. He received the situation on his own terms; but the enterprise, which had been undertaken chiefly through his representations, proved a complete failure, and though a year's salary was due to him it was never paid. He continued, however, to reside in Jamaica till his death at Spanish Town in May 1726. A memorial tablet is in the cathedral at Spanish Town.

