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Henri de Contenson

Henri de Contenson (born 4 March 1926 in Paris), is a French Archaeologist and was Research Director at CNRS, The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research), a research organization funded by France's Ministry of Research.

A student of André Parrot, Raymond Lantier and André Leroi-Gourhan, he was Assistant Director of archaeological digs in the Middle East from 1951 to 1976. The results of his work are documented in numerous publications.

National Center for Scientific Research:

Henry Contenson is a special member of the following scientific societies:

2 - Articles

(In collaboration with Jacques Clere) Anthropologie et pathologie dans le Néolithique final de Ras Shamra, Etudes ougaritiques II. Le Néolithique précéramique de Tell el-Farah, in P. de Miroschedji, Le Néolithique et le Chalcolithique de Tell el-Farah. La Période Chalcolithique, in W. Orthmann (éd.), Archéologie et Histoire de la Syrie I. La Syrie de la préhistoire à la fin de l'époque araménne, Schriften zur Archäologie, Saarbrücken.

