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Henneth Annûn

J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium location
Type "Fairest country in all the westlands"
Ruler Isildur,
Location Easternmost province of Gondor, between the Anduin and the Ephel Dúath

In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth, Ithilien is a region and fiefdom of the kingdom of Gondor.

Ithilien, or "Moon-land," is the easternmost province of Gondor, the only part of Gondor across the Great River Anduin. It lay between the river and Mordor's Mountains of Shadow (Ephel Dúath), and was subdivided by the stream of Morgulduin into North and South Ithilien.

Ithilien was a fair and prosperous land during the Second Age and the first part of the Third Age, filled with many woods and gardens, when Gondor was strong and Mordor deserted. Of old its chief city was Minas Ithil, but when this was captured by Mordor in T.A. 2002 it was renamed Minas Morgul. After this the population gradually migrated across the Anduin to escape the looming threat of Ringwraiths from Minas Morgul.

During the Watchful Peace (which commenced in T.A. 2063) Ithilien was reoccupied by hardy folk, but in 2475 the Watchful Peace was broken when Uruks from Mordor devastated the province; and although they were driven back to the Morgul Vale by Boromir I, raids never entirely ceased after this time. Several centuries later attacks by Orcs and Haradrim intensified and in 2901 the raids grew so severe that the remainder of the population of Ithilien fled across the Anduin and Gondor withdrew from the province; and after the return of Sauron to Mordor the land was finally abandoned. However the Stewards of Gondor still kept scouts in Ithilien, based at secret locations such as Henneth Annûn, which were built shortly after 2901. In 2954 Mount Doom burst into flame and those few farmers who remained fled Westward over the Anduin, leaving only the Rangers behind to harry the servants of Sauron.

