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Helvella lacunosa

Helvella lacunosa
Helvella lacunosa - Mustamörsky, Svart hattmurkla, Slate grey saddle C IMG 0362.JPG
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Subdivision: Pezizomycotina
Class: Pezizomycetes
Order: Pezizales
Family: Helvellaceae
Genus: Helvella
Species: H. lacunosa
Binomial name
Helvella lacunosa
Helvella lacunosa
Mycological characteristics
smooth hymenium
cap is convex
hymenium attachment is not applicable
stipe is bare
spore print is white

ecology is saprotrophic

or mycorrhizal

edibility: edible

or poisonous

ecology is saprotrophic

edibility: edible

Helvella lacunosa, known as the slate grey saddle or fluted black elfin saddle in North America, simply as the elfin saddle in Britain, is an ascomycete fungus of the family Helvellaceae. It is probably the most common species in the genus Helvella. The mushroom is readily identified by its irregularly shaped grey cap, fluted stem, and fuzzy undersurfaces. It is found in Eastern North America and in Europe, near deciduous and coniferous trees in summer and autumn.

The fungus was originally described by the naturalist Adam Afzelius in 1783. Its specific epithet is the Latin adjective lacunosa meaning "with holes". The generic name was originally a type of Italian herb but became associated with morels.H. sulcata; once separated, because of certain differences in the lobe structure is now dropped, or just a synonym. It was not possible to draw a clear distinction between the two.

Helvella lacunosa has an irregularly folded or wrinkled cap which may be shades of slatey grey to black in colour, and measure anywhere from 1 to 10 cm (12 to 4 in), though usually between 2 and 5 cm (1 and 2 in). The wrinkled ringless 3–15 cm (1–6 in) high stem is chambered within, and may be white when young and darker with age, though may be any shade of grey. The spore print is white, the oval spores average 12 x 9 μm. Occasionally white capped forms are found. They may be distinguished from the creamy-white coloured Helvella crispa by the latter's furry cap undersurface and inrolled margins when young.

