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Help:Related changes

The related changes feature (found in the Toolbox menu) lists all recent changes in each article linked to from the current page, but not more than the number specified in the preferences. Its header is "Related changes" with a subheader "(to pages linked from "xxx")".

As in Recent Changes and Enhanced Recent Changes, watched pages are bolded.

This feature can be used to set up custom watchlist-like functionality. It behaves like a watchlist, which would contain every page to which the current page linked. However, Related Changes do not automatically include talk pages; for the talk pages to be automatically included, the page to which Related Changes is applied has to link to these pages. See Help:Public watchlist for details.

The option "Hide minor edits" that can be set in the applies to Related Changes.

See also hide minor edits.

In code, one can link to any page to be RELC tracked:

Use the full pagename (including namespace).

