The following is rendered depending on preferences (putting a comma and/or a space between the links, or starting month names with a capital gives the same result):
With your current preference setting on this project this gives:
If the date needs not be linked, and the links that have to be created for autoformatting are even undesirable (because they clutter the page, or invite to create unneeded pages) the date cannot be autoformatted. See also the extension mentioned below to allow autoformatting anyway.
If the links that have to be created for autoformatting do not include those with the desired target(s), we can choose between:
Whether to link to a year page, a month page, or a day page, depends on factors such as whether a year page would get too large to hold all content about the year; if so, both a link to a summary year page and a detailed month page could be useful. Either way, it would be useful to link to the section concerned.
Linking a date to date content is not only useful for accessing that content, but also for the backlink: to find pages linking to a particular year, month or day. This gives us a list of events (and subjects related to events) that happened in (or are at least related to) that time period. This also allows easy checking of completeness and consistency of the source and target page.
Examples of links:
The day number in the anchor in , when below 10, has a leading zero. This avoids getting pages linking to 10 March etc. when asking for backlinks of 1 March.
In the case of linking to a separate page about a date this would require the leading zero in the page title, unless even in a link to such a page, we link to the anchor. For example, link 10 March 2007 causes a false result when we ask for backlinks of 1 March: . On the other hand, link 10 March 2007 causes no false result when we ask for backlinks of 1 March:
If we do use the date formatting feature we get links to e.g. "2007", "7", "7 BC", so it is practical to use these pagenames, not e.g. "Year 2007", "0007", or "7 B.C.". If not we can create a redirect.
Also we get a link to "January 5", "January 05", "Jan 5", or "Jan 05", so if we want to create pages on days of the year it is practical to choose one of these four pagename formats, and not e.g. "5 January". Again, if such names are not desired we can use redirects. Also, if the content concerned is in a section of a page we can redirect to that section.