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Heavy ICBM

Heavy ICBM is a term that was created in the 1970s to describe a class of Soviet ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles). They were characterized by a heavy throw-weight of 5 to 9 metric tons, several times that of an LGM-30 Minuteman, and a length of over 35 meters, and were thus capable of delivering a large number of warheads in a single MIRV missile.

This term usually refers to R-36 (missile)/SS-9 Scarp, R36 M/SS-18 Satan, and the RS-28 Sarmat missiles.

The SS-9 was a silo-launched missile capable of delivering warheads of 5–18 megatons, with a range of up to 15,500 km. These were then replaced by the similar SS-18, with payloads of 18–25 megatons. The silos used for launching were the same for both, once modified.

