Head direction (HD) cells are neurons found in a number of brain regions that increase their firing rates above baseline levels only when the animal's head points in a specific direction. They have been reported in rats, monkeys, mice, chinchillas and bats, but are thought to be common to all mammals, perhaps all vertebrates and perhaps even some invertebrates, and to underlie the "sense of direction". When the animal's head is facing in the cell's "preferred firing direction" these neurons fire at a steady rate (i.e., they do not show adaptation), but firing decreases back to baseline rates as the animal's head turns away from the preferred direction (usually about 45° away from this direction).
HD cells are found in many brain areas, including the cortical regions of postsubiculum (also known as the dorsal presubiculum), retrosplenial cortex,and entorhinal cortex, and subcortical regions including the thalamus (the anterior dorsal and the lateral dorsal thalamic nuclei), lateral mammillary nucleus, dorsal tegmental nucleus and striatum. It is thought that the cortical head direction cells process information about the environment, while the subcortical ones process information about angular head movements.
A striking characteristic of HD cells is that in most brain regions they maintain the same relative preferred firing directions, even if the animal is moved to a different room, or if landmarks are moved. This has suggested that the cells interact so as to maintain a unitary stable heading signal (see "Theoretical models"). Recently, however, a subpopulation of HD neurons has been found in the dysgranular part of retrosplenial cortex that can operate independently of the rest of the network, and which seems more responsive to environmental cues.
The system is related to the place cell system, located in the hippocampus, which is mostly orientation-invariant and location-specific, whereas HD cells are mostly orientation-specific and location-invariant. However, HD cells do not require a functional hippocampus to express their head direction specificity. They depend on the vestibular system, and the firing is independent of the position of the animal's body relative to its head.