The Haven Institute is a residential learning centre situated on Gabriola Island in the Gulf Islands of British Columbia on the west coast of Canada. Founded by Jock McKeen and Bennet Wong, the centre offers programs for personal and professional purposes, including Certificate and Diploma Programs in Group Facilitation and Counselling Skills.
The Haven Institute is registered in the province of British Columbia as a Private Post-Secondary institution in accordance with the Private Post-Secondary Education Act of B.C. (SBC CHAP 64). This registration is governed by the Private Career Training Institutions Agency of B.C.. Some of their programs are approved for continuing education credit by the Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation (CACCF), the Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (CARP), and the Canadian Counselling Association (CCA) and the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (CMTBC).
In 1983, two physicians, Bennet Wong and Jock McKeen purchased the Taylor Bay Lodge on Gabriola Island, British Columbia, and transformed it into a waterfront resort and conference centre. They called it "a resort with a difference" because people could enter into the activities at whatever level they chose. Some people came with their families to enjoy a country resort; groups and agencies held conferences; others attended the numerous residential self-awareness seminars. Still others returned for training in counseling; currently, 95 people have graduated from the Diploma program offered by The Haven Institute.
There are over fifty visiting faculty members teaching in this nontraditional, open atmosphere. Some notable ones have been Virginia Satir, Erv and Miriam Polster, Paul Reps, Carl Whitaker, Paul Lowe, James Bugental, Thomas Szasz, Bill O'Hanlon, Maria Gomori and Joanna Macy. The Haven Symposium has featured Joseph Chilton Pearce,Margaret Wheatley, and Dan Millman. The Wong-McKeen Phoenix Auditorium, Haven's performing arts theatre, has seen performances by Ann Mortifee, Laurie Anderson, Eric Bibb, Victor Wooten, Shari Ulrich and Leon Bibb.The Haven Institute Press publishes books by founders Bennet Wong and Jock McKeen and others.