Harvard Pilgrim is a not-for-profit health services company based in the New England region of the United States.
Founded in 1969, Harvard Pilgrim is known for its clinical programs, customer service, health improvement strategies and innovative tools.
Harvard Pilgrim is home to the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, a collaboration with Harvard Medical School. As Harvard Medical School’s Department of Population Medicine, the Institute is the only appointing department of a U.S. medical school housed within a health plan. Funded primarily through external government and private sources, it provides information to the health care system on issues affecting population health and health care delivery.
Harvard Pilgrim is among America’s highest-rated health plans according to an annual ranking by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Harvard Pilgrim Health Care is currently rated 5 out of 5 for its private HMO/POS and PPO plans and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care of New England is currently rated 4.5 out of 5 for its private HMO/POS plans in NCQA’s Private Health Insurance Plan Ratings 2015-16.