The Rave Master manga and anime series features an extensive cast of characters created by Hiro Mashima. The series takes place in a fictional universe that exists as a parallel world where vast numbers of humans as well as species known as sentenoids and demonoids fight using weapons, magic and evil artifacts known as Dark Bring (Shadow Stone in the anime's English dub). One of the most primary users of the artifact known as Dark Bring is an evil terrorist organization known as Demon Card (Shadow Guard in the anime's English dub) which plans to use it to take over the world and bring it into darkness.
The main character Haru Glory, is chosen by the holy artifact known as Rave to wield the Ten Powers and go on a quest with the strange dog like creature known as Plue to find the other four remaining Rave stones and put an end to the usage of Dark Bring and bring peace to the world. In his travel, fate brings him to ally himself with a girl that lost her memories and believes she is named Elie and is unaware that she has a strong involvement with the Rave stones. Together on their quest, they gain allies known as the Rave Warriors which consist of the thief that can manipulate silver known as Hamrio Musica, a cartographer which is the strange blue creature known as Griffon Kato, Let Dahaka and Julia who are both martial artists and members of a species from the mystic realm known as the Dragon Race, Ruby, a rich penguin-like sentenoid, and Belnika, a kind sorceress.
When making the series Mashima wants to make justice prevail but also make readers understand the villains' reasons to fight the main character in order to make them more complex characters.
The main characters are known as the Rave Warriors.
Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (Japanese); Yuri Lowenthal (English)
Haru Glory (ハルグローリー Haru Gurōrī?) is the main protagonist of the series and the current Rave Master, never giving up in a fight and willing to protect others in spite of the circumstances. Born on Garage Island, Haru was left in the care of his older sister after their mother died some time after their father left to find the Rave Stones. By chance, Haru fished Plue out of the ocean and met the previous Rave Master Shiba, who realizes the youth to be his successor. After realizing the threat that the Demon Card organization pose to the world, Haru promises Shiba that he will find the Rave Stone and stop the Demon Card's evil with Plue by his side. Along the way, he is joined by good demo by arun ramaraj and allies, each having their own goals, yet they were bound together thanks to him and helping each other along the way. He is very friendly and has a lot of energy. He is very protective of Elie, and does anything he can to ensure her safety. Haru also shows to develop a romantic interest in Elie progressively throughout the series, as it also becomes apparent in later chapters that among Haru's greatest motivations to keep fighting onward is in fact for Elie. At the end of the manga, they marry and then had a son.