Hare' Kkaanch Ki Choodiyaan is a Hindi-language television series that aired on the Sahara One channel in 2005 which tells a story of a simple middle-class girl Shyamlee, played by Snigdha Akolkar, and her gradual transformation into a woman of great strength. In her journey through life, Shyamlee faces many hurdles which she overcomes with tremendous grit and determination. At times fighting against the tide, and other times flowing with the tide, our protagonist deals with the intricacies of life. She is often made a victim of circumstances, but each time she rises from the ashes of life like a phoenix, facing each challenge that life throws at her and finally emerging a true winner. The series premiered on 25 July 2005. The series is produced by Percept Picture Company, and starred Shishir Sharma, Dharmesh Vyas, Rajalaxmi Solanki, Mihir Mishra, Bhumika Seth, Gunjan Vijaya, Krutika Desai, Snigdha Akolkar in her television debut role, and Swapnil Joshi in the main lead.