The Faculty of Mathematics (FM) at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russian: факультет математики Национального Исследовательского университета «Высшая Школа Экономики») was founded in 2008 jointly by the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and the Independent University of Moscow (IUM). It offers Bachelor of Science program “Mathematics” (in Russian), Master of Science program “Mathematics” (in English), Master of Science program “Mathematics and Mathematical Physics” (in Russian). The faculty also plays a key role in the HSE Graduate School of Mathematics (open to domestic and international students). Since the creation of the FM, new faculty members were hired at the international market, and researchers from the USA, Japan, Canada, France, the UK, etc., joined the team. The Faculty of Mathematics has joint departments with distinguished research institutes of the Russian Academy of Science: Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Lebedev Physical Institute. Associated with the FM are three international research groups, the so-called laboratories: the Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications, the Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics, and the Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms.
Jointly with Moscow Center for Pedagogical Mastership, the FM announced two new programs in 2017: one at the Bachelor and one at the Master level.
In 2007, HSE university central administration contacted the Independent University of Moscow (IUM) with a suggestion to join HSE as one of the faculties. Although this suggestion in its initial form was rejected, the IUM decided to help establishing a new Faculty of Mathematics. In particular, several IUM professors were hired by HSE in 2008 and formed the initial composition of the faculty. All further hiring was conducted through open international competitions. In September 2008, FM invited the first Bachelor of Science Students.
The idea behind HSE Faculty of Mathematics was to create the first mathematics department in the former USSR that would be internationally competitive in the following sense: