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A High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor (HAIPE) is a Type 1 encryption device that complies with the National Security Agency's HAIPE IS (formerly the HAIPIS, the High Assurance Internet Protocol Interoperability Specification). The cryptography used is Suite A and Suite B, also specified by the NSA as part of the Cryptographic Modernization Program. HAIPE IS is based on IPsec with additional restrictions and enhancements. One of these enhancements includes the ability to encrypt multicast data using a "preplaced key" (see definition in List of cryptographic key types). This requires loading the same key on all HAIPE devices that will participate in the multicast session in advance of data transmission. A HAIPE is typically a secure gateway that allows two enclaves to exchange data over an untrusted or lower-classification network.

Examples of HAIPE devices include:

Three of these devices are compliant to the HAIPE IS v3.0.2 specification while the remaining devices use the HAIPE IS version 1.3.5, which has a couple of notable limitations: no support for or open network management.

A HAIPE is an IP encryption device, looking up the destination IP address of a packet in its internal Security Association Database (SAD) and picking the encrypted tunnel based on the appropriate entry. For new communications, HAIPEs use the internal Security Policy Database (SPD) to set up new tunnels with the appropriate algorithms and settings. By not supporting routing protocols the HAIPEs must be preprogrammed with static routes and cannot adjust to changing network topology. While manufacturers support centralized management of their devices through proprietary software, the current devices offer no management functionality through open protocols or standards.

Both the HAIPE IS v3 management and HAIPE device implementations are required to be compliant to the HAIPE IS version 3.0 common MIBs. Assurance of cross vendor interoperability may require additional effort. An example of a management application that supports HAIPE IS v3 is the L-3 Common HAIPE Manager.

