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Gutnius Lutheran Church

Gutnius Lutheran Church
Classification Protestant
Orientation Lutheranism
Polity Episcopal
Head Bishop The Rev. Nicodemus Aiyene
Associations International Lutheran Council,
Lutheran World Federation,
Papua New Guinea Council of Churches
Region Papua New Guinea
Origin 1948
Branched from Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
Congregations 550
Members 125,000 baptized
Ministers 250
Hospitals 1
Secondary schools 1
Tertiary institutions 2 seminaries

The Gutnius Lutheran Church, formerly the Wabag Lutheran Church, is a Lutheran body existing in Papua New Guinea. Gutnius means "Good News" in Tok Pisin. It was established by the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod in 1948, shortly after the Australian administration of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea permitted missionary activity to spread into the western highlands. The church counts 125.000 parishioners, largely confined to Enga Province in the western highlands. It operates Immanuel Lutheran Hospital and St. Paul's Lutheran Secondary School (Pausa) at Wapenamanda, Enga Province. The church has other health and educational institutions as well.

It has suffered some attrition in numbers as fundamentalist and charismatic sects based in the United States of America have conducted aggressive proselytising activities among its members in the Enga.

In recent decades the church has increasingly established ties with the longer-established, theologically more liberal, and liturgically more conservative Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea. It co-operates with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in conducting clergy education and, with that Lutheran denomination and the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea, in operating the Balob Teachers College in Lae.

