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Gutkeled (genus)

Gutkeled (spelling variants: Gut-Keled, Guthkeled, Guth-Keled) was the name of a gens (Latin for "clan"; nemzetség in Hungarian) in the Kingdom of Hungary, to which a number of Hungarian noble families belong.

The primary source of their origins is the Gesta Hungarorum of Simon of Kéza, in which the author writes:

The castle "Stof" is assumed to be a corruption of Stauf, meaning either castle Stauf in Staufen im Breisgau or the Hohenstaufen castle in Württemberg. The king mentioned is Péter Orseolo, placing the arrival of the Gutkeleds to Hungary sometime around the 1040s.

Some of the Hungarian noble families descending from the Gutkeleds are:

