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Gull Island (Massachusetts)

The Elizabeth Islands
Islands listed in order from east to west:
Major Islands:
Nonamesset Uncatena Naushon Pasque Nashawena Penikese Cuttyhunk
Minor Islands:
Bachelor Baret Bull Cedar Gosnold Gull Rock Veckatimest Weepecket Islands

Gull Island is a small island located just off the southeastern coast of Penikese Island. It is part of the Elizabeth Islands and is entirely part of the town of Gosnold in Dukes County, Massachusetts. It was at one point used as a naval bomb area for aviators. Currently, it is uninhabited.

Coordinates: 41°26′45″N 70°54′23″W / 41.4459°N 70.9065°W / 41.4459; -70.9065

