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Guglielmo Vaccaro

Guglielmo Vaccaro (born 23 February 1967 in Pompei) is a centre-left Italian politician of the Democratic Party in the faction around the Prime Minister of Italy, Enrico Letta.

Born in Pompei, well known for its archaeological site, he graduated cum laude in economics and trade from the University of Salerno. As a post graduate in the 1990s he lived about two years in Brussels, gained a qualification for development projects financed by the European Development Fund. The supranational reality he experienced thanks to Erasmus Program and an internship (stage) at the European Commission, sharpened his interest in youth mobility and his Europeanist spirit.

In 1992 he was appointed provincial secretary of the Youth Movement of the Christian Democracy Party (Democrazia Cristiana). In 1996 he joined the Technical Support Group at the Ministry of Agricultural Policies. From 1998 to 2005, he was managing director for the Territorial Pact of Agro S.p.a.

From 1999 to 2001, when Enrico Letta was Minister of Industry, he was appointed consultant at the Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Industry. From 2001 to 2003 he was chairman of the Industrial District Management Committee of Nocera Inferiore-Gragnano and member of the board of the Italian Club of Industrial District. At the regional election held in 2005, he was elected Regional Councillor of Campania, in The Daisy Party list (La Margherita), with 10,542 votes.

In 2006 he joined the national executive of The Daisy, becoming the person in charge of the Department of EU Committee Policies. In 2007 he was member of the Treasury Committee of The Daisy Party.

