Guðrøðr Magnússon (fl. 1275), also known as Godred Magnusson, was an illegitimate son of Magnús Óláfsson, King of Mann and the Isles. In 1275, whilst Mann was under Scottish overlordship, Guðrøðr led an unsuccessful revolt on the island. According to a near contemporary source, over five hundred people lost their lives in the subsequent Scottish invasion and suppression of the Manx. It is not certain whether Guðrøðr escaped the decisive defeat of the rebels at Battle of Ronaldsway with his life or if he was among the slain.
Guðrøðr was a son of Magnús Óláfsson, King of Mann and the Isles (died 1265), a member of the Crovan dynasty. Guðrøðr's father came to power in 1252, following a period of confusion and contention in the Kingdom of Mann and the Isles, when Magnús' right to rule was acknowledged by Hákon Hákonarson, King of Norway (died 1263), his nominal overlord. In the previous decade, Alexander II, King of Scotland (died 1249) had made several attempts to incorporate the Hebrides into the Scottish realm. In the 1260s, Alexander's son and successor, Alexander III, King of Scotland (died 1286), renewed his kingdom's struggle to wrest the region from Norwegian overlordship. In so doing, Alexander III provoked a retaliatory military response from Hákon, a campaign that ultimately ended in failure with the latter's weakening health and death in 1263.
With Hákon's passing Alexander III seized the initiative, and oversaw a series of invasions into the Isles and northern Scotland. Recognising this dramatic shift in royal authority, Magnús Óláfsson submitted to Alexander III within the year, and in so doing, symbolised the complete collapse of Norwegian sovereignty in the Isles. The following year, Magnús died without a legitimate heir to succeed him, and proved to be the last ruling king of the Crovan dynasty. In 1266, Alexander III pacifically secured the Hebrides and Mann from Hákon's son and successor, Magnús Hákonarson, King of Norway (died 1280), by way of the Treaty of Perth.