The Green Senatorial Campaign Committee (GSCC) is the Green Party committee for the United States Senate, working to elect Greens to the United States Senate. The GSCC filed with the US Federal Election Commission for official recognition in September 2006, which was received in February 2007. This is the first time a party other than the Democrats or Republicans have had a Senatorial Campaign Committee recognized by the FEC.
During the 2006 elections the party created the GSCC in June 2006, based in Minneapolis. Without official recognition, the committee had to operate like a political action committee.
GSCC is a seven-member committee elected by the National Committee of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS). It presently has one vacancy. Its current members including its nonvoting Treasurer are:
During the 2006 elections the GSCC contributed $1,809 to 9 Green Senatorial Campaigns.