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Greek Cypriot nationalism

Greek Cypriot nationalism is an ethnic nationalism emphasising Greekness (a Greek identity, also called "Hellenism") of the Cypriot nation. Having abandoned the idea of enosis (unification of Cyprus with Greece), Greek Cypriot nationalists now have the aim of a Greek Cypriot-controlled state with close relations to Greece, the "motherland". Variants of the nationalism have been espoused by the centre-right Democratic Party (DIKO), the right-wing New Horizons, Socialists (EDEK), the Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus, and elements of the moderate right Democratic Rally (DISY).

The successful Turkish invasion of Cyprus (1974) led to the marginalisation of Greek Cypriot nationalism and rise of Cypriotism, in opposition to Greek Cypriot and Greek Turkish nationalism. Greek Cypriot nationalism and Cypriotism contrasts, with opposing views on Cyprus dispute causes and solution perspectives, corresponding to right-left political opposition. The slogan for Greek Cypriot nationalism is "Cyprus belongs to Greeks"(Independent Cyprus, with strong Greek majority control), while for Cypriotism it is "Cyprus belongs to its people".

The Ottoman Empire ceded administration of Cyprus to the United Kingdom with the secret Cyprus Convention (1878). During World War I, the British formally annexed Cyprus as a crown colony. The 1950 referendum on unification with Greece, organized by the Orthodox Church, with only Greek Cypriot vote eligibility, ended with 96% approval. Greece appealed to the UN in 1954 to apply the right for self-determination on Cyprus. The Cypriot conflict (1955–64) led to Greek Cypriot victory and UN peacekeeping establishment on the island. The London-Zürich Agreements led to the independence of Cyprus, proclaimed on 16 August 1960. Several coups were staged by Orthodox bishops against Makarios III in March 1972 to July 1973. The 1974 Cypriot coup d'état, staged by the Cypriot National Guard and Greek military junta, was successful, but short-lived, as it sparked the Turkish invasion of Cyprus (1974) that led to the fall of the junta and the Turkish occupation of 36.2% territory. In 1983, the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" was unilaterally declared.

