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Governor-General of Taiwan

Governor-General of Taiwan
Seal of the Government-General of Taiwan.svg
Government-general of Taiwan.jpg
Japanese Taiwan
Style Governor-General
Reports to Emperor of Japan
Residence Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan
Formation 10 May 1895
First holder Kabayama Sukenori
Final holder Andō Rikichi
Abolished 25 October 1945

The Governor–General of Taiwan (臺灣總督 Taiwan Sōtoku?) was the head of government of Japanese Taiwan (including Formosa and the Pescadores) when they were part of the Empire of Japan, from 1895 to 1945.

The Japanese Governors-General were members of the Diet, civilian officials, Japanese nobles or generals. They exercised their power on behalf of the Sovereign of Taiwan (the Emperor of Japan) until the dissolution of the Empire when the dominion was ceded to the Republic of China.

  Military   Rikken Seiyūkai   Kenseikai   Rikken Minseitō

