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Government of Rotterdam

The Government of Rotterdam is the government of the municipality and city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Most of the inhabitants live in the city of Rotterdam, but the municipality also covers a number of small villages, and other parts of the local government, such as Rozenburg, cover an even larger area.

Results of the elections of 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2014:

The coalition mayor and aldermen for the period 2006-2010 was formed by a coalition of the parties PvdA (labour), CDA (Christian democratic), VVD (liberal) and GroenLinks (green left). The college was sworn in on May 18, 2006.

The college since its inauguration in 2006 had a number of cycles. VVD alderman Roelf de Boer retreated from his position in 2007. In 2008, GreenLeft alderman Orhan Kaya was replaced by Rik Grashoff. In April 2009 VVD left the coalition, though it retained a slim majority of 23 of the 45 seats. The two VVD aldermen Jeannette Baljeu and Mark Harbers were replaced by CDA and PvdA aldermen. This left the CDA with three council seats and three aldermen, a remarkable situation. In July 2009 CDA alderman Leonard Geluk joined the coalition but he stepped down prematurely, because of his new position as chairman of ROC Netherlands.

The city board of mayor and aldermen was formed by four parties: PvdA (labour), VVD (liberal), D66 (left liberal), and CDA (Christian democratic).

