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Government of Experts

The "Cabinet of Experts" (Italian: governo tecnico) is an expression connected solely to the Italian Parliament.

This term describes the Government consisting of a non political body, usually supported by the political forces and functioning in the situations of emergency (especially in the particular politically-economic circumstances), when the party system does not have success in embodying a completely functional cabinet. When this happened, in the history of the republic, there was a need to form a Government consisting of people with Expert skills, with no connection to those political forces and the goal to handle the emergency situation by overcoming the idleness of the political parties in the Parliament.

The term "expert" is occasionally associated with the political conception of a State governance, also known as Technocracy. This is "the government of experts", an attempt with a more scientific, rational and rigorous intention to resolve the problems of one country, as opposed to the ideology.

This expression is similar to the caretaker government, "institutional government", "grand coalition", "presidential government", "bridging government", "objective government", "government of running affairs", "truce government" and "transitional government", with which it shares several similar characteristics, but it doesn't have to be their synonym.

The government of experts is a «transitional government, established for handling the running affairs, while waiting for the clarification of the political situation». This «government is lacking a solid political base and is destined to last a limited amount of time, with the goal of solely performing administrative tasks, while waiting for the resolution of the running political crisis».

