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Gord the Rogue

Cover of Saga of Old City
Cover of Saga of Old City, the first Greyhawk Adventures novel, and the first featuring "Gord the Rogue".
  • Saga of Old City (1985)
  • Artifact of Evil (1986)
  • Sea of Death (1987)
  • Night Arrant (1987, short stories)
  • City of Hawks (1987)
  • Come Endless Darkness (1988)
  • Dance of Demons (1988)
Author Gary Gygax
Cover artist Clyde Caldwell
Country USA
Language English
Publisher TSR, Inc., New Infinities Productions
Published 1985 - 1988
Gord the Rogue
Game information
Homeland Free City of Greyhawk
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Thief-Acrobat
Alignment Neutral
Setting World of Greyhawk

Gord the Rogue is the protagonist in a series of fantasy novels and short stories written by Gary Gygax. Gygax originally wrote the novels and short stories to promote his World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. After he left TSR, Gygax continued to write Gord the Rogue novels for several years. In all of these works, the plot revolves around the adventures of a young man named Gord who rises from humble origins in the slums of a large city on the planet Oerth to become a powerful force trying to stave off the takeover of Oerth by demons.

One of the factors that contributed to the success of the Dragonlance setting when it was published in 1984 was a popular series of concurrent novels by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis. Gary Gygax, the developer of the World of Greyhawk campaign setting, realized that novels set in Greyhawk could have a similar benefit for his recently published World of Greyhawk boxed set, so he wrote Saga of Old City, the first in a series of novels that would be published under the banner Greyhawk Adventures. The protagonist was Gord the Rogue, and this first novel told of his rise from the Slum Quarter of the city of Greyhawk to become world traveller and thief extraordinaire. The novel was designed to promote sales of the boxed set by providing colourful details about the social customs and peoples of various cities and countries in a region called the Flanaess.

Even before Saga of Old City rolled off the presses in November 1985, Gygax wrote a sequel, Artifact of Evil. He also wrote a short story, "At Moonset Blackcat Comes", that appeared in the special 100th issue of Dragon magazine in August 1985. This introduced Gord the Rogue to gamers just before Saga of Old City was scheduled to be released.

