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Golitsyn (crater)

Golitsyn crater WAC.jpg
LRO WAC image
Coordinates 25°06′S 105°00′W / 25.1°S 105.0°W / -25.1; -105.0Coordinates: 25°06′S 105°00′W / 25.1°S 105.0°W / -25.1; -105.0
Diameter 36 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 105° at sunrise
Eponym Boris B. Golitsyn

Golitsyn is a lunar impact crater that lies beyond the western limb on the far side of the Moon. It is located in the southwestern portion of the Montes Rook mountain range that forms one of the rings around the Mare Imbrium impact site. The crater is situated in the midst of rugged, irregular terrain that contains only a handful of other significant craters.

The rim of Golitsyn is circular but irregular, and a smaller crater lies across the north-northwestern rim. The edge of the rim is sharp, and the material along narrow inner wall has slumped down to form mounds along the base. The interior floor has no impacts or features of note.

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Golitsyn.

The following craters have been renamed by the IAU.

