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Goering's Green Folder

In the Nuremberg Trials there was a document referred to as the "Green Folder" of Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. This was the master policy directive for the economic exploitation of the conquered Soviet Union. The implications of this document were the death by starvation of millions of Slavic people, something that partially came to pass in the Holocaust, the neglect of Soviet soldiers captured by the Nazis which led to huge mortality rates, and the general expropriation of food in the occupied areas of the Soviet Union. It is also referred to as Document of the Soviet Prosecution, Exhibit USSR 10.

Plan "Oldenburg" (Göring's "Green Folder") was the code-name of the economic subsection of the planned attack of the USSR.

Following the approval of Hitler of the Operation Barbarossa plan, the Führer instructed Reichsmarschall Göring to develop a plan for the future exploitation of conquered territory in the East. Under Göring's leadership, a plan known as Oldenburg was created to include the seizing for the service of the Reich all stocks of raw materials and large industrial enterprises in the territory between the Vistula and the Urals. According to this plan the most valuable manufacturing equipment was to be sent to the Reich and that which was not sent to Germany would be destroyed. The European part of the Soviet Union would be economically decentralized and be turned into an agricultural appendage of Germany.

The original plan was approved at a secret meeting on March 1, 1941 (protocol 1317-PS). Over the next two months the plan was fleshed out in detail and finally adopted on April 29, 1941 (protocol secret meeting 1157-PS). A headquarters was formed to coordinate the "Oldenburg" plan.

According to the plan, the territory to be occupied in the Soviet Union would be divided into five economic Inspectorates, three of them attached to Army Group North (Leningrad), Army Group Center (Moscow), and Army Group South (Kiev), one for the Caucasus (Baku), and one held in reserve, with 23 economic commandants, as well as 12 offices.

