Gob Squad is a British-German collective based in Nottingham and Berlin. They have worked collaboratively since 1994 in the fields of performance, video installation and theatre.
Gob Squad was founded in 1994. At the time, its members were students at Nottingham Trent University and the University of Giessen. They have made approximately 28 projects to date. They create mid-scale work that combines audience interaction with real-time video editing. The company often use popular culture to explore the complexities of everyday life. Gob Squad create and present work in urban spaces, theatres and galleries
Core members of Gob Squad are Johanna Freiburg, Sean Patten, Sharon Smith, Berit Stumpf, Sarah Thom, Bastian Trost, and Simon Will; Eva Hartmann manages the group.
Logan, Brian. "All the World's a Stage: Brain Logan Meets Lisa Goldman, Who Is Bringing an Electric International Vision to the Soho Theatre in London". New Statesman, 16 March 2009
Quiñones, Aenne, with Gob Squad. The making of a memory: 10 years of Gob Squad remembered in words and pictures, Synwolt Verlag, 2005, ,
René Pollesch Prater Saga 2005 Alexander Verlag, Berlin
Arntzen, Knut Ove: Ambient Theatre and Clubbing. Urban Post Mainstream. In: Trans. Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften no. 9, February 2001. http://www.inst.at/trans/9Nr/arntzen9.htm
Barker, Clive / Trussler, Simon: New Theatre Quarterly 62: Volume 16, Part 2, 2000
Burger, Julia Elisabeth: Rekonstruktion im Theater von Rimini Protokoll – der Moment der Erinnerung, diploma thesis, 2008
Dreysse, Miriam: Wohnzimmer, U-Bahnhöfe, Parkplätze und Selbstbespiegelungen. Zu den frühen Arbeiten von Gob Squad. In: Forum Modernes Theater. Published by Günter Ahrends et al., issue 1/2006, volume 21, Tübingen 2006.
Evert, Kerstin: Verortung’ als Konzept: Rimini-Protokoll und Gob Squad. In: Klein, Gabriele; Sting, Wolfgang (ed.): Performance. Positionen zur zeitgenössischen szenischen Kunst. Bielefeld 2005.
Fischer, Erika: The Transformative Power of Performance: A New Aesthetics, 2008
Förster, Sascha: Gob Squads Wege in der Stadt. Über die performative Erfahrung des städtischen Raums in den Arbeiten von Gob Squad. dramatic master thesis, FU Berlin 2007/2008