Glued IOL or Glued Intraocular lens is a new Surgical technique for implantation of a posterior chamber IOL with the use of biological glue in eyes with deficient or absent posterior capsules (Fig 1). A quick-acting surgical fibrin sealant derived from human blood plasma, with both hemostatic and adhesive properties is used.
The eye resembles a camera. Just as we take a photograph with the camera, so also the eye takes a photograph of an object seen by it. In the camera, an object is focused onto the film of the camera by a lens. This image is an inverted image and it is developed in the studio and made into an erect one. The same way, an object is focused by the lens of the eye onto the film of the eye called retina. This image is also inverted and is made erect by the brain.
Cataract is an opacity in the lens of the eye. The normal lens allows light to reach the retina. When it becomes opaque and does not allow light to reach the retina, we are unable to see clearly. To understand cataract better, imagine photographing through a camera with grease smeared onto its lens. In such a case, the image formed is very hazy and blurred. Similar to grease smearing onto the lens of a camera, if the lens of the eye gets opaque, the image formed on the retina will be blurred and one will not see clearly. There is no medical treatment for cataract. The only treatment is surgery. When a person has a cataract and the decision is made to operate, then the diseased lens is removed and replaced by an artificial lens called an Intraocular lens or IOL. Once the cataract [diseased lens] is removed, there is no focusing ability of the eye as there is no lens in the eye. So one has to use the IOL to get the object focused onto the retina. For an intraocular lens to be placed in the eye one needs some support which is given by the capsule of the lens which is left behind. But in some cases there is no capsule and in such cases the alternative is to fix a glued IOL (Fig 2). The other alternative is to suture the IOL to the eye or fix it in some other place like an anterior chamber IOL.