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Global Leadership Foundation

The Global Leadership Foundation (GLF) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation that arranges the use of a network of former Heads of State or Government and other distinguished leaders who make their personal experience and advice discreetly available to those in power today. Founded in 2004 by F.W. de Klerk, the former President of South Africa, GLF is unique in that advice given by GLF Members to current Heads of State is done so strictly confidentially, with no publicity.

GLF Members work in small teams, in their personal capacity, to give advice on either general governance issues. It is actively involved in relationships of this kind with leaders of government in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and elsewhere.

National leaders today face awesome challenges, expectations that can often not be fulfilled and a deluge of advice from international organizations, consultants and special interest groups. Unlike the chairman and chief executives of companies who can turn for discreet advice to some of the experienced non-executive directors on their Boards, political leaders can often feel isolated, lacking the advice of an objective civil service and unable to trust colleagues, friends and even family. Without good advice they are unable to take the initiatives needed to develop their countries peacefully.

GLF’s involvement can be general, on broad issues of governance, or it can be focussed on specific questions where a leader might welcome private advice – ranging, for example, from the working relationship between the Executive and Parliament, to advancing specific goals in infrastructure development, education, tourism or other priorities.

GLF is not-for-profit; its Members have a wide range of experience yet are no longer candidates for office; they have no interest of their own, beyond being of help to current leaders facing challenges they themselves once faced. The advice given is private – GLF believes that credit for change should go to the leaders who take the tough decisions.

GLF Membership constitutes a vast pool of individual experience and collective wisdom which has enabled the Foundation to mount projects covering a range of issues, including:

GLF’s experts are drawn both from its International Council, many of whose members make their time and experience freely available to GLF, and from widely respected individuals known directly to GLF Members.

GLF works with Heads of Government on conflict and governance-related issues. GLF engages with Governments, not with opposition parties, and often works in partnership with UN agencies, the IMF, the World Bank and other NGOs working in the field of conflict prevention and development.

GLF is funded by other foundations, corporations and private individuals. A limit is placed on donations from any one donor to preserve GLF’s independence.

The Foundation is served by a Board of Directors and two Advisory Committees (appointed by the GLF Board). GLF Members FW de Klerk and Joe Clark are the Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively. The Secretariat is managed by a CEO, Sir Robert Fulton, who is appointed by the Board of Directors.

