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Giovanni Maderna

Giovanni Davide Maderna (Milan, 1973) is an Italian film director.

In 1995 Maderna directed his first short film, La Place, in Lyon, France, equal winner at Nanni Moretti's Sacher Festival. After a few other shorts in 1999 his first feature film This is the garden (Questo è il giardino) won the Luigi De Laurentiis Prize for Best Debut Film at Venice Film Festival (and was hailed by French newspaper Liberation as the work of the new Antonioni). Then he directed Imperfect Love (L'amore imperfetto, 2001) which also premiered at Venice Film Festival.

His third film Schopenhauer (2006) was in competition at Locarno Film Festival and screened at Lincoln Center in New York in 2007 (Open Roads at Lincoln Center). Four years later Heaven without Earth ("Cielo senza terra" 2010), co-directed with Sara Pozzoli, premiered in Competition at Venice Days. The film has been broadcast by Rai Tre cult programme over the opening night and was then nominated at Doc.it Awards (Doc.it 2011).

He founded the production company Quarto Film and since 2007 worked with authors such as Francesco Gatti, Dario Buccino, Filippo Ticozzi, Sara Pozzoli, Mauro Santini, Tonino De Bernardi and Giovanni Cioni.

In 2005 he dedicated a video-interview (conducted with Antonio Moresco) to the great Italian experimental film-maker Alberto Grifi.

In 2012 he curated the independent section at Venice Film Festival "Cinema Corsaro", a selection of works marked by an unconventional and experimental approach to both production and direction. In this occasion he presented his new film Carmela, saved by Buccaneers, co-directed with Mauro Santini and part of a series of experimental films loosely based on Emilio Salgari's "Jolanda, la figlia del Corsaro Nero".

