In esoteric and occult teachings, giants are beings who live on spiritual, etheric and physical planes of existence. Giants were a popular theme in theosophical literature, Atlantis, lost continents and later the earth mysteries movement of Britain in the 1970s.
The concept of giants was discussed by the theosophist and occult author Blavatsky who wrote about the existence of giants in her book The Secret Doctrine connecting them to her theory of root races and claiming they correspond with Hindu cycle of the universe. According to theosophists, ape-like giants were the third root race who lived on the continent of Lemuria. Theosophists also linked giants to the Atlantean race.
The German occultist Guido von List was influenced by Blavatsky's writings on giants and mixed together paganism, mythology, and theosophy, creating a basis for the belief in giants living in different realms based on the first four rounds of the root race theory.