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Germany and the Second World War

Germany and the Second World War (German: Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg) is a 12,000-page, 13-volume work published by the Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (DVA), that has taken academics from the military history centre of the German armed forces 30 years to finish.

Germany and the Second World War is the English translation of the series which Clarendon Press (an imprint of Oxford University Press) began publishing in 1990. By 2014, ten of the 13 parts had been published at a rate of one every two years, although a long delay occurred between the publications of parts IX/I and IX/II after the death of the main translation editor.

In the following table, the publishing dates of the final three parts are approximate and come from communication with Oxford University Press. The titles and number of pages are based on the German volumes and may change. The volumes are (German title in brackets):

* The first edition of Volume IV also included a separate spiral-bound book of 27 maps in the original German version

History of the Second World War

