The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation is the country's largest statewide, nonprofit preservation organization with more than 8,000 members. Founded in 1973, the Trust is committed to preserving and enhancing Georgia’s communities and their diverse historic resources for the education and enjoyment of all.
The Georgia Trust generates community revitalization by finding buyers for endangered properties acquired by its Revolving Fund; encourages neighborhood revitalization and provides design assistance to 105 Georgia Main Street cities; trains Georgia’s teachers to engage students in 61 Georgia school systems to discover state and national history through their local historic resources; and advocates for funding, tax incentives and other laws aiding preservation efforts. The Georgia Trust is a recipient of the Trustees Award for Organizational Excellence from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. [1]
The Georgia Trust operates two historic house museums:
In addition to providing preservation resources for individuals and communities throughout the state, The Georgia Trust helps save endangered houses and buildings, uncover the beauty of downtown buildings, educate the next preservation generation, and advocate for preservation funding and laws through the following programs:
The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation established the Revolving Fund for endangered properties in 1990 to provide effective alternatives to demolition or neglect of architecturally and historically significant properties by promoting rehabilitation and enabling owners of endangered historic properties to connect with buyers who will rehabilitate their properties.
The Revolving Fund accomplishes this goal by either accepting property donations or by purchasing options on endangered historic properties. The properties are then marketed nationally to locate buyers who agree to preserve and maintain the structures. Protective covenants are attached to the deeds to ensure that the historic integrity of each property is retained, and purchasers are required to sign rehabilitation agreements based on the work to be performed on the structure.[2]
Since the Main Street program's start in 1980, The Georgia Trust has offered design assistance, on-site rehabilitation consultations, hands-on presentations and hand-drawn and digital renderings to help business owners and downtown managers rehabilitate and reuse their historic resources.
Services provided by The Georgia Trust's Main Street Design Assistance Program have become integral to downtown revitalization efforts. Supported by the Department of Community Affairs' (DCA) Office of Downtown Development, the program has assisted more than 3,000 business owners in 105 Main Street cities across Georgia to encourage the rehabilitation of historic downtown commercial buildings. [3]