Sir George Stephen Q.C., (1794 – 20 June 1879) was a solicitor, author and anti-slavery proponent.
Stephen was the fourth and youngest son of James Stephen, C.B., by his marriage with Ann, only child of Henry Stent, of Stoke Newington, a village then just north of London. He was the brother of the Right Hon. Sir James Stephen, for many years Under-Secretary of State in the Colonial Office, whose policy he for a long period initiated and controlled. Born in 1794 at Saint Kitts, George Stephen was originally intended for the medical profession; but after spending three years in the study of anatomy, and going through a two-years' course at Magdalene College, Cambridge, which he left without graduating, after doing brilliant work, he entered the office of Messrs. Kaye & Freshfield, solicitors to the Bank of England. Having served his articles, he commenced practice on his own account, and was engaged by the Government to obtain evidence against Queen Caroline, of whose guilt he was fully assured.
It was, however, in connection with the movement for the abolition of slavery in the British colonies that he mainly distinguished himself. His father (James Stephen) had married, as his second wife, the sister of William Wilberforce, and was allied with that great man, Zachary Macaulay, Thomas Clarkson, and others in the abolition of the slave trade, achieved in 1807. In the legitimate development of that noble work, which ended in the suppression of slavery, as well as of the slave trade, throughout the British dominions. Sir George Stephen bore a leading part, and it was his decision (extorted from him by the necessities of the case) in favour of admitting the principle of compensation that brought the agitation to a much earlier successful issue than could otherwise have been ensured. Sir George (who was knighted in 1837, being the first so honoured after Queen Victoria's accession) subsequently ceased to practise as a solicitor, with a view to being called to the Bar. This was accomplished, in 1849, under the auspices of Gray's Inn; and Sir George then removed to Liverpool, where he practised at the local Bar for some years.