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Geometric Centre of the Republic of Slovenia

The Geometric Centre of Slovenia (Slovene: Geometrično središče Slovenije, GEOSS) is the geometric centre of the country. Its geographic coordinates are 46°07′11.8″N 14°48′55.2″E / 46.119944°N 14.815333°E / 46.119944; 14.815333Coordinates: 46°07′11.8″N 14°48′55.2″E / 46.119944°N 14.815333°E / 46.119944; 14.815333 and its elevation is 644.842 m. It lies in the hamlet of Spodnja Slivna near Vače in the Municipality of Litija. Since 4 July 1982, it has been marked with a memorial stone designed by the architect Marjan Božič. A plaque reading Živimo in gospodarimo na svoji zemlji ('We live and prosper upon our land') was added on 14 September 1989. In 2003, Slovenia adopted an act on GEOSS.

