Xanth is a fictional universe created by author Piers Anthony. It is a magical land most often described as being shaped like the state of Florida. The geography of Xanth is, therefore, very similar to that of Florida. As is typical with the series, many geographical landmarks are puns based on real-world locations. As an example, the With-A-Cookie River in Xanth is roughly parallel with the Withlacoochee River in Florida.
Xanth is described as being similar to, and magically coincident with, various peninsulas that extend roughly southward:
In the far northwest corner lies the Isthmus, the point where Xanth connects to Mundania. The connection is not static, but instead randomly connects to any place where there is a southward-reaching peninsula, at any time in history. Thus, Xanth can appear anywhere, and anywhen.
Near the northern border, east of the Swan Knee River (Suwannee River) lies the Ogre-Fen-Ogre Fen (Okefenokee Swamp), the location where Ogres settled after migrating away from Lake Ogre-chobee (Lake Okeechobee) in the south.
North-central Xanth is dominated by the five forbidden regions, each representing one key element of nature and magic. From north to south they are the void and the regions of water, fire, earth and air. Each region is dominated by its key element. The region of air is beset by high winds and funnels; earth with constant earthquakes and volcanoes. The region of fire is an area of rapidly moving firewalls as plant life is rapidly burned, then regrown to sustain the inferno. Water is dominated by snowstorms, torrential downpours and vast lakes. The void is mostly illusion, appearing as an idyllic and peaceful location for any traveller; but as the centre of the void is a black hole (Dragon on a Pedestal); one who enters has almost no chance of escape, with the exception of Night Mares, who are non-corporeal.
East of the forbidden regions lie several animal kingdoms. The Kingdom of Birds lies east of the region of water. South of the birds and east of the region of fire is the land of the griffins. South is the land of goblins, followed by the land of dragons. The farthest south is the land of the flies. Every region has its own ruler, each believing they represent the dominant species in Xanth.