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Genlock (generator locking) is a common technique where the video output of one source, or a specific reference signal from a signal generator, is used to synchronize other television picture sources together. The aim in video applications is to ensure the coincidence of signals in time at a combining or switching point. When video instruments are synchronized in this way, they are said to be generator-locked, or genlocked.

Video signals generated and output by generator-locked instruments are said to be . Syntonized video signals will be precisely frequency-locked, but because of delays caused by the unequal transmission path lengths, the synchronized signals will exhibit differing phases at various points in the television system. Modern video equipment such as production switchers that have multiple video inputs often include a variable delay on each input to compensate for the phase differences and time all the input signals to precise phase coincidence.

Where two or more video signals are combined or being switched between, the horizontal and vertical timing of the picture sources should be coincident with each other. If they are not, the picture will appear to jump when switching between the sources whilst the display device (television set) re-adjusts the horizontal and/or vertical scan to correctly reframe the image.

Where composite video is in use, the phase of the chrominance subcarrier of each source being combined or switched should also be coincident. This is to avoid changes in colour hue and/or saturation during a transition between sources.

Generator locking can be used to synchronize as few as two isolated sources (e.g., a television camera and a videotape machine feeding a vision mixer (production switcher)), or in a wider facility where all the video sources are locked to a single synchronizing pulse generator (e.g., a fast-paced sporting event featuring multiple cameras and recording devices). Generator locking can also be used to ensure that multiple CRT monitors that appear in a movie are flicker-free, as was done in the British TV film Into The Void/Outside the Rules (2002), for example. Generator locking is also used to synchronize two cameras for Stereoscopic 3D video recording.

