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General Council of the University of St Andrews

The General Council of the University of St Andrews is the corporate body of all graduates and senior academics of the University of St Andrews in Scotland. It was instituted by the Universities (Scotland) Act 1858, but its constitution and organisation have been considerably altered by subsequent statutes.

The business of the Council is to take into consideration all questions affecting the well-being and prosperity of the University, and to make representations from time to time on such questions to the University Court, who shall consider the same, and return to the Council their deliverance thereon. Members may raise any matter bearing upon the University, by reference to the Convener of the Business Committee of the General Council, College Gate, St Andrews.

The Council elects two Assessors to the University Court. No member of the Senatus Academicus is entitled to vote or take part in the election of any Assessor of the General Council. (The Senate elects its own Assessors to the Court.)

The membership of the General Council is governed by ordinance No. 96 of the University of St Andrews and is as follows:-

The Chancellor of the University is elected by the General Council and is President of the Council.

Under the Universities (Scotland) Act 1966, new Ordinances and Resolutions are communicated in draft form to the General Council, whose opinion thereon is taken into consideration.

