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García Garcés de Aza

García Garcés de Aza (Latin: Garsias Garsie de Aza; floruit 1126–1159) was a Castilian magnate "renowned for his wealth and dullness", yet "a prominent figure in the later Andalusian campaigns of the Emperor between 1150 and 1157". His second name, "Garcés" (sometimes "García"), is a patronymic, indicating that his father was also named García, while his third name, "de Aza" is a toponymic frequently found in contemporary documents, in this case indicating that he held the tenencia of Aza. His father was in fact García Ordóñez, and his mother was the latter's second wife, Eva, probably a Frenchwoman. She re-married after García Ordóñez's death to Pedro González de Lara, and García Garcés was thus a half-brother of Eva's children by Pedro and closely allied with the House of Lara.

According to the Chronica Adefonsi imperatoris, a contemporary account of the deeds of the Emperor Alfonso VII of León and Castile, when that king first entered the capital city of León after his succession in March 1126, García Garcés was among the Castilians who came to do homage and pledge fealty. García served Alfonso as alférez between 12 December 1126 and 13 November 1127, while his brother Pedro Garcés was alférez between 29 May and 18 September 1131. This post was generally reserved for younger nobleman early in their careers, the different dates of their respective tenures reflect the difference in their ages. In 1142 García was acting as a civil judge in Ávila.

