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Gabagool! is an American comic book that debuted in 2002. It was created by cartoonist Mike Dawson and humorist Chris Radtke and concerns the various misadventures of a 30-something super-nerd, Christopher Vigliotti, and his friends Ritch Sutton and Vinnie DelPino. They live in Bronx, New York, in an apartment owned by Christopher's cousin, Lenny Vigliotti.

The comic started out in 2002 as a 24-page mini-comic debuting at the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo in Columbus, OH, founded by Bob Corby and Dave Sim. Subsequent issues were produced at a rapid pace, and were generally timed to debut at all of the major North American comics festivals along the east coast. Issue #2 debuted at the very first MoCCA Arts Festival, sponsored by the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art and Stella Artois. The double-sized "All Action Issue" #3 debuted at the annual Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD at a table shared with the creators of the now-defunct indy comic 23 skidoo.

In 2003 - 2004, Dawson and Radtke self-published issues 4-6 as traditional "" comics printed at proper-comics-printer Quebecor graphics. Hubris prompted the boys to overprint issue 4, a mistake that they, their wives, and their storage spaces, still regret today. With issues 5 and 6 a more manageable print run was decided upon, and sales were healthy. The floppies were picked up by the comics-distribution monopoly Diamond, as well as by other struggling competitors like Cold-Cut and Shenton 4 Sales.

