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GSM procedures

GSM procedures are sets of steps performed by the GSM network and devices on it in order for the network to function. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is a set of standards for cell phone networks established by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute and first used in 1991. Its procedures refers to the steps a GSM network takes to communicate with cell phones and other mobile devices on the network. IMSI attach refers to the procedure used when a mobile device or mobile station joins a GSM network when it turns on and IMSI detach refers to the procedure used to leave or disconnect from a network when the device is turned off.

In a GSM network, when a Mobile Station (MS) is switched ON, the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) attach procedure is executed. This procedure is required for the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) and Visitor Location Register (VLR) to register the MS in the network. If the MS has changed Location area (LA) while it was powered off, then the IMSI attach procedure will lead to a Location update.

When the MS is switched on, it searches for a mobile network to connect to. Once the MS identifies its desired network, it sends a message to the network to indicate that it has entered into an idle state. The Visitor Location Register (VLR) checks its database to determine whether there is an existing record of the particular subscriber.
If no record is found, the VLR communicates with the subscriber's Home Location Register (HLR) and obtains a copy of the subscription information. The obtained information is stored in the database of the VLR. Then an acknowledge message is sent to the MS. Steps for IMSI attach procedure are as follows:

