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Funky Dragon

Funky Dragon (Welsh: Draig Ffynci) was the Children and Young People's Assembly for Wales. It was a peer-led organization which provided opportunities for young people up to the age of 25 to have their voices heard on issues that affected them.

It worked closely with the Welsh Assembly Government and youth forums run by unitary authorities, enabling it to influence decision making at different political levels.

The Welsh governement stopped funding the organisation in 2014. Deprived of their main financial support, Funky Dragon had no other choice but stop.

Funky Dragon is a peer-led organization. It aims to give 0– to 25-year-olds the opportunity to get their voices heard on issues that affect them. It was created by young people of Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government in order to help under-25s in Wales attain their rights under Article 12 of the UNCRC Funky Dragon’s main tasks are to make sure that the views of children and young people are heard, particularly by the Welsh Assembly Government, and to support participation in decision-making at national level.

The Grand Council is the main body of Funky Dragon, and comprises 100 young people: 4 from each of the 22 unitary authorities in Wales and 12 co-option seats for other organizations. The co-option seats are available for election at Funky Dragon's annual general meeting, usually held in July. The seats are detailed as follows. Members of the grand council are also elected onto the management committee where a chair is elected.

Statutory Sector – 22 places. Voluntary Sector - 22 places. School Councils - 22 places. Equality - 22 places. (Per Local Authority)

The term local authority-wide forum is used as some forums representing the geographical area of a local authority are either independent or are supported by an agency other than the Local Authority such as the Prince's Trust or the Children’s Society.

Each Local Authority Wide Forum is offered four places for young people. See above for the breakdown. It is up to each forum to democratically elect their representatives. Representatives are asked to commit to a 2-year term with the Grand Council.

Each Local Authority Wide Forum will be responsible for carrying out its own election process. The only conditions Funky Dragon puts on the process are:

