In mathematics, the L-functions of number theory are expected to have several characteristic properties, one of which is that they satisfy certain functional equations. There is an elaborate theory of what these equations should be, much of which is still conjectural.
A prototypical example, the Riemann zeta function has a functional equation relating its value at the complex number s with its value at 1 − s. In every case this relates to some value ζ(s) that is only defined by analytic continuation from the infinite series definition. That is, writing – as is conventional – σ for the real part of s, the functional equation relates the cases
and also changes a case with
in the critical strip to another such case, reflected in the line σ = ½. Therefore, use of the functional equation is basic, in order to study the zeta-function in the whole complex plane.
The functional equation in question for the Riemann zeta function takes the simple form
where Z(s) is ζ(s) multiplied by a gamma-factor, involving the gamma function. This is now read as an 'extra' factor in the Euler product for the zeta-function, corresponding to the infinite prime. Just the same shape of functional equation holds for the Dedekind zeta function of a number field K, with an appropriate gamma-factor that depends only on the embeddings of K (in algebraic terms, on the tensor product of K with the real field).
There is a similar equation for the Dirichlet L-functions, but this time relating them in pairs: