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Funaria hygrometrica

Funaria hygrometrica
Funaria hygrometrica1.jpg
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Bryopsida
Order: Funariales
Family: Funariaceae
Genus: Funaria
Binomial name
Funaria hygrometrica

Funaria hygrometrica, the bonfire moss or common cord-moss, is a type of water moss which grows on moist, shady, and damp soil. It can also be found on moist walls and the crevices of rocks and places where recent fires have taken place.

The plant body is green, soft, and upright, about half an inch tall. The rhizoids present in this species are multi-cellular and branched. They have oblique septa. The main axis of the plant, which is upright, bears a set of spirally arranged, sessile leaves having a clearly distinguishable midrib.

At the apex of the main plant axis, the antheridium is borne. This is the male part of the shoot. A lateral branch from the main plant axis bears the female shoot archegonium at its meristem.

