Frost crack or Southwest canker is a form of tree bark damage sometimes found on thin barked trees, visible as vertical fractures on the southerly facing surfaces of tree trunks. Frost crack is distinct from sun scald and sun crack and physically differs from normal rough-bark characteristics as seen in mature oaks, pines, poplars and other tree species.
The sloughing or peeling of the bark is a normal process, especially in the spring when the tree begins to grow. The outer layers of the bark are dead tissue and therefore they cannot grow, the outer bark splitting in order for the tree to grow in circumference, increasing its diameter. The inner bark cambium and phloem tissues are living, and form a new protective layer of cells as the outer bark pulls apart.
Normal furrowed bark has a layer of bark over the wood below, however bark may peel or fall off the tree in sheets (river birch), plates (sycamore and pine), strips (cedar) or blocks (dogwood).
Frost cracks are frequently the result of some sort of weakness in the bark which occurred to the tree earlier. In late winter and early spring, water in the phloem, known as the inner bark and in the xylem, known as the wood, expands and contracts under often significantly fluctuating temperatures. Wood that is in some way damaged does not contract to the same degree as healthy wood. Rapid expansion and contraction of water within the wood and bark, particularly under rapidly falling night temperatures, can result in a frost crack, often accompanied by a loud explosive report.
Research suggests that the main cause is actually 'frost-shrinkage' due to the freezing-out of cell well moisture into lumens of wood cells and other causes are the expansion of freezing water in cell lumens, and additionally the formation of ice lenses within wood. As stated, previous defects such as healed wounds, branch stubs, etc. in tree trunks function as stress raisers and trigger the frost cracking.
In winter when the sun sets or the sky clouds over, the temperature of the tree drops very quickly and as the bark cools more quickly and the wood contracts more slowly, the bark rips open in a long crack, sometimes with an audible report likened to a rifle crack. Cold, clear, sunny days are the most likely to result in frost cracking, particularly as the heat energy from the low Sun on a Winter day can be higher than any other time of year.