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François Avard

François Avard (born 6 June 1968) is a Canadian writer and scenarist best known as the writer of the Québécois television series Les Bougon.

He is the creator and co-author (with Jean-Francois Mercier) of the satirical series Les Bougon: it is also life broadcast on Radio-Canada from January 2004 to April 2006.

In television, he worked in several series scenarios: camera cafe, 3X nothing, CA and Bob Gratton. He is a sponsor of the series Ramdam for which he received two Gemini in collaboration with writer Fabienne Cortes. He also worked for two seasons of "Ici Louis-José Houde" and the series Meanwhile, watching TV on the Radio-Canada.

He has worked with comedian Martin Matte since 1995. He also collaborated with two one-man show of Louis-José Houde and his animations 4 ADISQ galas. Other comedians with whom he works, include Jean-Francois Mercier, Cathy Gauthier, Pat Groulx, Pierre Hébert and Michel.

On 25 February 2010, François Avard has signed, together with 500 artists, the call to support the international campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israeli apartheid.

